Thursday, September 30, 2010

How's Life --- ?

Today's the last day of September 2010 11:09pm. Life's pretty much the same with things going here and there... Got my Driving License recently and currently waiting for my BM SPM(U)'s result which is gonna show up around December.

Days were just smooth as aye pudding. More than actually. Gotten quite worked up for this series of books called "Pendragon". Totally awesome. Gave me inspirations and ideas for my art research. Up till now, I'm on Book 4 and planning on finishing the whole series... gotta cost a fortune there...

Drawing ability is going up... slightly well, but still too slow. Ain't gonna make it as a "Top Dog" in College with this skill. Gotta put more chumps into it.

Actually, you do know I'm struggling into blogging this don't you?

Oh, did I mention I've made ONE art disciple. Kinda cool aye'? This kiddo learned pretty fast, WAY faster that i did back then... Gonna just teach him till he's just as good or even better than me... Then I'll have a rival yea...? Cool, cause that's pretty much what I needed to get this soul burning...

Life's cool, no down slopes, but well up slopes aren't that high too ya'know? Gotta get this "talk freely with anyone with confidence" right. Currently biggest problem of all... wait, My ENTIRE life... biggest problem --- Yea well

Signing Off with a SMILE =) _________________________________ Sincliare