Monday, May 11, 2009

Annoying Teacher

Okay... It's been a while since i last posted something, and I almost forgot about this blog. And now I found myself stucked in this "Mid Term Exams" crap..... Though it's not like I'm gonna freaked out and open up a book to study, but just it's just a thorn in my back if i were to keep it in.
Now now, how should I start this?

Since it's almost time for examination the teach are all in a fuss, going brainsucked or whatever.... They're just a pain in the butt. Giving out nothing but lame complaints and stupid homeworks( Tons of HOMEWORKS !!!)....
I mean.... Come on... it's "JUST" a "M-I-D T-E-R-M E-X-A-M" there's nothing worth to feel stressed out about, no, no way, not by a long~ shot.
The brain of those teachs have nothing else better than us.... They are just plain humans...
One of my teacher always brag about her lame-O-past.... about how he went to london then boston and mexico to come back and teach us plain stupid basic of the basic lowest of all~ kindergarden english..... I mean how stupid can he be.... Duh~ he's nothing, he's trash, he's a pathetic low life, technically he what we call the dirt of this great big society....
He always tell us to use the dictionary and said that he started to use the dictionary even when he was a little shrimp midget. Uptill now... he still needs to open up to confirm the spelling of "T-H-O-U-G-H-T". OH my (tut) (tut)....

Ah.... that felt great, so this is the end for now.
So stay tuned for the next episode of "My World"

Oh and did I mention that the "he" is actually a "she" thouhg i'd like to claimed that "she" is a "he" coz he's an old fart that's flat and fat....
Oh yea... that was absolutly one of the best thing i've ever said.....(taking note)


  1. ohhh...that's bad. luckily, my school's teachers not that bad. come here lar...this school.

  2. ya la, like that only nice mar...ya la, i very free also always online mar...not mer?
